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Writer's pictureBrittany Deleski

Final Countdown- Comm 323

As we buckle down for last two remaining weeks of classes in 2020, we were instructed to reflect back on our ePortfolio’s and Comm 323. I have personally been building this portfolio for about two years now while attending ODU and with this being my last semester attending the University it has been such a pleasure to see how much growth and change this page has gone through. My favorite part of this ePortolio is that it expresses who I am as a person with a touch of personality and a little background of my professionalism. I also am very satisfied with the color pallet that I choose do have for my page along with the placement of my assignments. Just like anything I think with time this portfolio has advanced with my professionalism and writing skills. I have looked back on pervious blog posts from the past two years and I feel like I have grown as a student and person and my work does show that. The most challenging aspect of the ePortolio is having that balance of fun and making it personal but, having to keep in mind that you will need to keep it universal to show different industries while job hunting. I do what it to be approachable to many different vendors in the event industry and not just have it narrowed down to weddings and social events. I think that keeping it updated with work experience will be a little challenging and I am stuck between making blog posts about my current events or having testimonials to show future jobs. Since I have been building this portfolio for a while, I think that the best advice I would give to a student building their ePortfolio for the first time would be to think about your future employers and who is your audience.

The best leadership stye that works best for my personal and professional goals is the democratic leadership style. The democratic leadership style is based on participative style. I personally believe that working together is better than working alone and that is with my personal goals as well that I would rather have a community behind me and help others as well than deal with things alone in life. With this leadership I will take this with me in my professional career in hopes to one day be an event manager at the venue that I currently work for. As an event coordinator, I know how important it is that you have a great team to make the event possible. You want to make sure that everyone feels apart of the team and being heard. That is why when I give out event checklists for my events, I let my team be creative with the décor if they please to. I believe that if you give others tasks to do they feel important and apart of the team instead of just being bossed around. I also ask for advise from some of them as I am doing set up. With this leadership style in event management, I think that most of your employees will respect you and will want to work with you and help when needed. When they are just being bossed around instead of feeling included that is when things get missed and important details were forgotten. I have been taking communication classes for four years now and I believe that this year, I have learned so much from a personal view and a professional view. There are so many different forms of communication and it really is very important when building relationships.

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