During the time of using the ePorfolio I have felt like I have improved my professional presence by understanding that this can be used to an upcoming employer. In many cases, this can be used as a first impression for a new job position. In this time in age, websites and social medias are the first thing that a future employer might look at during the hiring process. While creating the eP I wanted to keep that concept in mind and reflect my work towards how others will be viewing my page. I think I like most about my personal eP is how the pages flow. I think in the future I will change the colors of the pages to be a little more neutral but overall, I think everything is easy to navigate and find information. When creating this that was my biggest goal, to make sure it is easy to view and not so much clutter. Many people do not know how to use certain websites and I wanted to make sure everyone was able to use mine. The most challenging about the eP is starting off, and your vision for what you want to create and how to make it flow. After picking the layout and how you want to set up certain pages it’s a breeze from there. If I had to give advice to a future student about the eP, it is to make time for this page. Don’t try to do it in an hour or rush through everything. Do some research or watch the tutorial videos on how to link certain pages or word documents. You want this page to be your first impression so make time to reflect positively on yourself.
This course was very interesting to me because I feel like everything, we learned we can take with us in the future. Whether that be in the workplace or in your personal lives I feel like this course helped me understand a lot of concepts that can be taken in the wrong way. A lot of classes are just to get through the semester, but nonverbal communication is so very important when working with the public. The most important concept of this course was the fact that I feel like I do not judge a book by its cover anymore. I also learned to work on my own body language along with understanding others facial expressions and body language. I plan to work with the public and with many different individuals so understanding nonverbal communication is very important for my future job. It will help the frustration on other with the understanding on why someone might be using certain body language. For the popular press analysis, I learned that as Americans we are not respectful in many cases to other cultures. Nonverbal gestures are not the same everywhere and in too many cases important people who represent America have not respected other cultures gestures. I feel it is important to understand others before visiting overseas. Nonverbal communication speaks louder than words most of the time so making sure you are representing yourself correctly especially if there is a language barrier is very important.